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  • The purpose of the existing conditions map is to identify the site's features with sufficient information for the Commission to review and consider with respect to the several purposes of these regulations, as listed in Section 1.3. The existing conditions map shall show the following for the parcel to be subdivided and for a reasonable distance, but not less than 200 feet adjacent to the parcel:
    Existing streets, including the paved travel way and the street lines on both sides; also the classification of existing streets on the circulation plan of the New Milford Plan of Conservation and Development and a notation as to whether any streets are designated scenic roads or country roads by municipal ordinance or in the Plan of Conservation and Development.
    Property line of the parcel to be subdivided and adjacent properties along with the names of adjacent subdivisions or owners and any existing easements.
    Any existing storm drainage system and identification of downstream drainage facilities likely to be affected by the parcel's development.
    Existing utilities including any utility easements over the parcel.
    Existing buildings, structures, stone walls, wells, septic systems, cisterns and other site improvements such as but not limited to trails, fences and driveways including a notation if any buildings or structures are designated as historic.
    General soil types by Soils Conservation Service classification and specific identification of areas likely to be shallow to bedrock, areas of wetlands soils and rocky outcrops. Identification of areas likely suitable for on-site septic disposal, including results of sufficient percolation and deep pit tests to indicate variation of soils types, at least one test for each five acres. All tests shall be clearly numbered and identified on the supplemental map.
    Wooded areas by foliage line, meadows, farmlands and individual trees greater than 30 inches diameter breast high or specimen type tree.
    Watercourses, ponds, aquifers, floodplains and any water supply watershed area.
    On a separate map, existing elevations and contours at two-foot intervals with specific identification of areas with slopes in excess of 25%. It also should be noted whether the parcel is situated on one of the following hills or mountains: Bear Hill, Peat Hill, Iron Hill, Green Pond Mountain, Mount Tom, Long Mountain including Rock Cobble Hill, Sawyer Hill, Candlewood Mountain, Pine Knob, Great Mountain, Second Hill, Mine Hill, Cedar Hill, Stilson Hill, Carmen Hill, Town Hill, Pine Hill, Boardman Mountain, Fort Mountain and Guarding Mountain (as identified on U.S.G.S. maps Kent and New Milford quadrangles). Existing elevations should be tied into the Connecticut Data.
    Reserved for future use.
    Existing zoning classification and land use category in New Milford's Plan of Conservation and Development.
    Adjacent open space abutting the parcels, including ownership of this open space.