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  • Plan and profile drawings, including typical cross-section, of all proposed streets, storm drains, sanitary sewers, public water supply lines, catch basins, manholes, ditches, watercourses, headwalls, sidewalks, gutters, curbs, fire suppression equipment, and other structures shall be submitted.
    Profile drawings shall be drawn to a horizontal scale of one inch equals 40 feet and a vertical scale of one inch equals four feet. Plan drawings shall be drawn to a scale of not smaller than one inch equals 40 feet. All contours shall be at two-foot intervals based on field or aerial surveys except as otherwise provided herein. Profile drawings and elevations shall be based on Town, state or United States benchmarks or other permanent benchmarks approved by the Commission; the benchmarks used shall be noted on the plan. As-built mylars shall be prepared by a professional engineer or licensed land surveyor and submitted to the Commission. Plan-profile drawings shall show at least the following information in accordance with good engineering practice and as appropriate for the particular subdivision:
    Layout of proposed streets in plan and profile indicating right of way dimensions, width of right-of-way and of paving, existing and proposed centerline grade lines with stations every 50 feet, vertical curve data and percentage of grade, with a typical cross-section detail. In nondevelopment areas existing and proposed contours may be at an interval not exceeding 10 feet based at a scale of one inch equals 40 feet based on a field or aerial survey or based on an available U.S.G.S. contours, including proposed regrading cuts, fills and soil/rock removal. In nondevelopment areas, 10 feet is acceptable.
    Design Report: All design criteria and data used to develop the plan and profile drawings will be attached.
    Depth, invert, slope and size of all pipes, ditches, culverts, manholes, catch basins, headwalls and watercourses, a sample ditch and watercourse cross sections.
    Drainage report: A drainage analysis map shall show the tributary watershed area and downstream area affected by run-off. Drainage computations shall consider the entire watershed area: criteria and computations used in determining pipe sizes shall be submitted on
    Approximate location of lot lines intersecting the street lines, lot numbers and street names and any proposed drives and house numbers.
    A traffic study, if required by the Commission.
    Location of all existing and proposed utilities such as gas, electric, telephone, underground and overhead utility poles, water and sewer and fire suppression equipment.
    Sanitation and water supply study report: This report will present the estimates of public water supply and public sewage disposal requirements if needed, or the results of soils investigations, including borings, seepage tests and test pits for areas proposed for on-site sewage disposal, a description and schematic layout of proposed sewage disposal system and description of proposed water supply system.
    Location of siltation basins, detention basins, retention basins, soil erosion and sediment control measures, limits of on-site soil disturbance, water courses, inland wetlands, construction narrative sequence.
    The limits of any areas of tree removal necessary to provide effective use of a passive solar energy system, based on an assumed mature tree height of 50 feet.
    Cost estimates: Engineer's quantity estimates, unit prices and cost estimates for infrastructure construction in a format and level of detail acceptable to the Commission.
    In addition to the plan and profile drawings, other necessary construction drawings and details shall be submitted as required by New Milford Road Ordinance.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 18, Streets and Sidewalks.