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  • The feasibility map shall show existing conditions, the proposed road and lot layout of the subdivision. If only part of the preliminary plan is being developed, a preliminary plan of contiguous land of the applicant that may be subdivided in the future shall be submitted. In the preparation of a feasibility plan layout, the applicant or his engineer should reference the developed strategies for rural conservation set forth in the current New Milford Plan of Conservation and Development. The map should include notes or narrative illustrating the conservation or explaining the elimination of key natural or historic site features. The feasibility map shall show at least the following information, with the understanding that more detailed preliminary plan studies and/or discussions with the Commission could result in minor to substantial changes in the plan. The feasibility plan should encompass the overall tract, even if only part is being proposed for subdivision:
    Existing and proposed road, utility and drainage systems, location of existing and proposed roads, utility systems including potential extension to provide access to adjacent properties, preliminary grade estimates and sight distance at intersections and curves.
    Location of all borings, deep hole tests, percolation test holes with a table displaying test results.
    Layout of dwellings and recreational facilities, if any, sewage disposal systems and reserve areas including MLSS spread, and also showing seventy-five-foot well radii and regulated wetlands or watercourses setback lines. Also show lot area, required yard setbacks.
    Principal wooded areas, any ledge outcrops and existing stone walls and fences within the subdivision, existing and proposed trails.
    Location of all siltation basins, erosion and sediment control measures for each lot, and limits of soil disturbance.
    Location and limits of areas subject to potential flooding; boundaries of any flood-prone areas and floodways and the base flood elevation date thereof; and the lowest floor elevations that would be applicable for a building on any lot in the flood-prone area.
    Schematic site development proposal for each lot showing proposed building location, parking area and driveway, well location and 75 feet well radius, septic system location and any regulated setbacks from watercourses or wetlands. All proposed driveways shall be shown with profile grades and sight distances noted. Proposed contours shall be shown for driveways with grades between 10% to 15% in residential subdivisions and between 6% to 10% in commercial or industrial subdivisions. Proposed contours shall be shown to reflect the earthwork required to achieve the sight distances noted.
    Layout of proposed areas to be seeded and landscaped with proposed type of planting by common name and general location including type and locations of trees to be planted.
    Layout of existing and proposed lot lines and street lines.
    Proposed dedicated open space and conservation or scenic easement areas.
    Include assessor's map and lot number of original parcel.
    Sidewalks, gutters and special structures.